Camden Carers news
FACE TO FACE MEETINGS - ​ We have reintroduced face to face appointments. Spaces are limited at the moment but we are working hard to improve this service as quickly as possible.
Waiting times - ​ Due to an unprecedented amount of staff sickness and a higher call volume, there has been a longer waiting time for carers to get a call back from one of our support team. We are working hard to bring this time back to an acceptable waiting period, prioritising calls that are urgent. We thank you for your patience with this.
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Help and support with money worries and debt - We know it’s a really difficult time as many of us are facing rising living costs. If you are struggling to afford the essentials, or if you’re worried about money or debt, please read the information on all of these pages to check you’re accessing all of the support that you’re entitled to.
KNOW YOU ARE NOT ALONE - If you are experiencing domestic abuse, or know someone who is, call Camden's confidential advice service, Camden Safety Net. 020 7974 2526
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