Support and Wellbeing Line
Our Support & Wellbeing Line is run by our experienced Support & Wellbeing Workers on a rota basis
and is open to carers and professionals alike to register carers with us and offer advice and support.
Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri: 9am – 5pm
Wed: 9am – 7pm
Closed 12.30 – 1.30pm
If you would like to speak to someone please call 020 7428 8950
or email
Currently, due to a high call volume, we aim to respond to a carer who is already registered with us
within 10 working days and a carer who is not yet registered with us within 15 working days.

It is recognised that those who care for someone with dementia, face increased isolation and difficulties maintaining their own health and wellbeing, as well
as remaining engaged with their own interests.
Camden Carers provides a programme of groups, training and events for carers of people with dementia
Develops and provides a regular programme of
day opportunities for people with dementia and their carers to enjoy together -
Refer carers to relevant local and national organisations which support them to maintain
their health and wellbeing -
Maintain an involvement with local policy makers, consultation initiatives and developments which
affect older carers and/or carers of and people with dementia -
Encourage carers to get involved in local developments, e.g. Dementia Action Alliance

Mental Health
The support worker for Mental Health Carers offers
one-to-one support, emotional support, Mental Health First Aid facilitating, training days, and presentations. In addition, the worker attends Carers’ Partnership Group meetings and Triangle of Care meetings.
Camden Carers offers a wide variety of services for mental health carers including a monthly support group. Joint working with other organisations is paramount and the worker is often located in the Community Mental Health Teams, attending CPA meetings in the community, and visiting mental health units in Camden and Islington and participating in ward rounds, as this enables both carers and service users to better communicate their needs. Triangle of Care is a very important ongoing training which encourages positive communication between professionals and carers and their families.
So if you are a mental health carer living, working
or studying in Camden and would like support,
please ring the office on 020 7428 8950.

Learning Disabilities
At Camden Carers we offer a comprehensive and preventative information, advice and advocacy support service around Health and Social Care, Wellbeing and Life Transitions.
The LD- Lead support worker can offer emotional and practical support to those who care for someone with learning disability or autism.
You can get help to understand the diagnosis
Help you understand disability related issues
Give you information and advice in knowing your rights and accessing the right service for your cared for
Help you as your child moves through the different stages in life (early years, childhood, moving into adulthood and living as an adult)
General advice around Education
Give you information about looking after yourself
Support you in getting the right benefits at the right time
You can get help to liaise with health and social care professionals
Have your Carers Assessment
Space to talk to someone about your caring role and the support you may have to meet your needs
Signpost you on to other services, if necessary

Young Adult Carers
The support worker for Young Adult Carers supports young people, aged 18-30. They might be caring for
a parent, sibling, other relative, partner or friend.
The worker can offer one-to-one emotional and practical support. This includes helping to sort out problems (for example, around the caring role) or getting back to college, or into work or training; assistance with applying for grants for courses, practical items or activities and breaks away from the caring role; helping carers to access support, training or advice from other services or agencies, such as housing. It may be that a carer wants to talk through how they feel – space to do that can be provided – or a referral for counselling if more is needed.
If you are a carer aged 18-30, and would like to have a chat and discuss what support you need, please ring
our office on 020 7428 8950.